Monday, March 2, 2009

Howdy Y'all.
It's been a while since I sat and updated, interesting things afoot it seems. with the coming of my tenth anniversary of being clean, through the gift of Narcotics anonymous, I am full speed ahead into my new and different life.
I should have been announcing the arrival of my boat, but was distracted by the wreckage of my past.
to preface this remark, I had set Feb 2 2009 as they do or die decision date by which to judge which path to take, the normal "yes Dear" life of marriage and domesticity or a life on the bounding main. the sea that is.
Before you think this is a decision lightly made , I have been praying for Godly direction for nearly two years.
I received my answer the weekend prior to Feb. 2
Having called my estranged wife who lives in Florida with her father and her ex-husband's 4 kid's, I wound up speaking to my Father-in-Law, as my wife was at work. Knowing that my wife's ex was moving down to Fla. to be near his kids, and knowing that he is despised by said Father -In -Law, I jokingly said, " so when's Bob(loser ex) moving in"
The joke was on me , for unknown to me he really WAS moving in.
The other significant answer to my wondering mind was the actual arrival of my boat, Fey Sol. I was scrounging money and dealing trades like never before, I think I may have actually sold my soul to the devil, but I got It back on a motorcycle trade somewhere later in the game, and besides what would he want with the likes of me anyway.I'm way too high maintenance.

so here I am praying for what to do and my soon to be ex-wife lets her ex move in and my other option ,the boat shows up right at the time I asked for the answer!!!!

anyway it appears my "ship has come in"

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